Jolijn Koomen

Jolijn Koomen

Equipe ISD

Jolijn Koomen

Jolijn Koomen


Email : jolijn.koomen[at]
Phone : (33)
Lien Linkedin:


Actual position and research subject

Position actuelle : Doctorante au sein de l'équipe ISD

PhD subject: Functionalities of pea and faba bean protein ingredients: Are lipids key players? I am looking into the effect of endogenous lipids and other non-protein components in pea and faba bean protein ingredients on their physical and oxidative stabilisation properties in food emulsions. Regarding the endogenous lipids in these ingredients, my aim is to see how the total lipid content, the type of lipids present, and their oxidative status is influenced by both varietal selection and the seed-to-ingredient processing method.

Previous project (master thesis): Oleosome physical and chemical stability. During this 6-month research project, I investigated the physical and chemical properties of oleosomes extracted from chia-, rape-, and high oleic sunflower seeds, and assessed their physical and chemical (oxidative, enzymatic) stability as natural emulsions. This project was presented (poster) during the 3rd International Conference on Lipid Droplets & Oleosomes (Wageningen University & Research, 2023) and the 19th Food Colloids conference (Thessaloniki, 2024).
Internship at Danone (Gif-sur-Yvette): Plant protein astringency. My internship focussed on the effect of plant protein-polysaccharide complexation on the plant protein astringency and functionality in a high-protein plant-based alternative yoghurt and beverage.