Elena Keuleyan

Elena Keuleyan

Equipe ISD

Elena Keuleyan

Elena Keuleyan


Email : elena.keuleyan[a]inrae.fr
Phone : (33)



Actual position and research subject

Position actuelle : Doctorante au sein de l'équipe ISD

Ph.D. project : food emulsions stabilized by plant protein ingredients obtained via mild fractionation: From formulation to digestion

This project aims to explore the chemical composition, structural organization and functionality of commercial plant protein ingredients from pea and lupin (isolates and concentrates). For the first time, we have identified and characterized endogenous lipids with approximately half of them being phospholipids, in these plant protein ingredients. The subsequent focus was centered on understanding their potential impact on emulsifying and interfacial properties. In particular, we investigated the competitive interactions between lipids and proteins at the oil-water interface using interfacial rheology. Finally, we analyzed the digestive fate of these emulsions through in vitro digestion, to gain insights into how their interfacial microstructure affects their lipolysis kinetics.

Supervision : Claire Berton-Carabin, Alain Riaublanc, Anne Meynier

Expertise : Emulsion science, Food colloids, Plant protein functionality, Biopolymer-surface interactions, In vitro digestion